How to Remove Indoor Allergens to Improve Air Quality

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How to Remove Indoor Allergens to Improve Air Quality

While keeping a home well-insulated keeps it cozy and comfortable, it also affects the indoor air quality. All the pollutants that could find their way out of the house are now trapped inside, which can deteriorate the air quality in your home and produce allergens.

Now, you may be wondering how to remove indoor allergens to improve air quality in a season when insulation is necessary. Some simple steps can help you achieve allergen-free indoor air. Precautions should be taken to control cockroaches, as they are common allergen carriers. You can use boric acid and traps for this. Keeping your HVAC system well-maintained to ensure proper ventilation is also recommended.

We at Superior Air Management can help you with this. We use advanced tools and techniques to fix all HVAC-related issues and ensure the smooth operation of your HVAC unit.

Easy Ways to Remove Indoor Allergens to Improve Air Quality

Vacuum Daily

While it may not sound too thrilling, it is important to vacuum daily. Dust and pet dander are most likely to accumulate in areas such as rugs, carpets, and curtains. So, vacuuming these areas once daily helps keep allergens away. Also, we recommend you keep the surfaces of your home clean, tidy, and sanitized. This helps eliminate dust particles, pollutants, and debris, which otherwise can lead to the circulation of allergens.

Wash Fabrics Likely to Trap Pollutants

Your curtains and bedding might seem clean, but they can trap a lot of allergens. Throw them in the wash with hot water to remove dust, pollen, and pet hair.

Get The Air Ducts Cleaned by an HVAC Service Company.

It’s worth calling a professional to clean them and clear out any dust and mold, because allergens build up in your air ducts over time.

Make Use of Cooking Vents

Cooking can release all sorts of stuff into the air, like grease and smoke. Using your cooking vents can help suck up those pollutants and keep your indoor air cleaner.

Control Cockroaches

Cockroaches can carry allergens. Keep them out of your home by sealing up cracks and keeping your kitchen clean. You can also place boric acid, baits, and traps.

Keep The HVAC System Well-maintained

Your HVAC system plays a significant role in your indoor air quality. Make sure to change the filters regularly and get it checked out by a professional at least twice a year.


To remove indoor allergens and improve indoor air quality, it is important to keep the surface of your home clean and sanitized. It helps prevent insect infestations. It’s also recommended to vacuum once daily to prevent dust buildup, which helps prevent the production and circulation of allergens. It is also advised to use cooking vents as these help suck cooking-related releases and help keep the air cleaner.

Fabrics that are likely to trap pollutants should be washed with hot water, and the air ducts must be cleaned professionally periodically to ensure clean air circulation. Avoid leaving the garbage and food uncovered, and place boric acid and traps to control cockroaches.

Additionally, keep your HVAC system well-maintained to ensure proper ventilation. At Superior Air Management, we can help you remove allergens and improve the air quality of your home. So, if you are worried about it, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you improve indoor air quality?

You can improve indoor air quality by regularly cleaning and dusting your home, ensuring proper ventilation by keeping your HVAC system well-maintained and using air purifiers. You may also consider adding indoor plants like spider plants or peace lilies to reduce certain pollutants.

How do you treat air pollution allergies?

Treating air pollution allergies involves a combination of preventive measures and medical interventions. Avoiding exposure to pollutants by staying indoors on high-pollution days, using air purifiers at home, and wearing masks when outdoors can help reduce symptoms. Over the counter or prescription antihistamines can provide relief from allergy symptoms.

Can poor air quality cause allergies?

Yes, poor air quality can cause allergies by exposing individuals to airborne pollutants such as pollen, mold spores, dust mites, pet dander, and chemicals. These allergens can trigger allergic reactions in individuals.

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