How Often Does an HVAC System Need to be Serviced?

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How Often Does an HVAC System Need to be Serviced?

Your HVAC unit is vital in improving air quality, enhancing comfort, conserving energy, regulating indoor moisture, reducing allergies and asthma symptoms, and increasing home value. But how often does the HVAC need to be serviced? Experts recommend that at least twice a year would be ideal. Once at the end of spring and once at the beginning of winter.

What Is the Recommended Maintenance Frequency for HVAC Systems?

Hire HVAC maintenance services twice a year: at the end of spring and at the beginning of winter. Several factors determine the HVAC maintenance frequency, including system types, system aging, changing seasons, environmental conditions, usage, pets, and number of people inside the property.

What are the Benefits of HVAC Maintenance Services?

Longer HVAC Lifespan.

The biggest benefit of hiring maintenance services is extending your system’s lifespan. The average lifespan of your unit is between fifteen and twenty years, but with proper care, cleaning, and maintenance, the years can extend up to twenty-five years.

Finding Potential Issues and Fixing Them

When you hire companies for a routine HVAC check-up, the technicians understand the potential issues with your system. They will thoroughly inspect both units and determine the cause of the possible problems. After diagnosing, the technicians will pinpoint the issues and save you from future repairs and expenses.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Another benefit of servicing your HVAC unit is that it improves energy efficiency. A well-maintained unit will consume less energy when working. An enhanced energy-efficient HVAC system will reduce environmental impact and save you money.

Reducing Repair and Replacement Costs

Ignoring maintenance services can result in untimely repairs and costs. Hire services like cleaning filters, conducting routine inspections, and addressing minor issues to ensure your HVAC system remains in good condition.

Maintaining the Manufacturer’s Warranty

Another benefit of considering regular HVAC services is that they will ensure the manufacturer’s warranty doesn’t become void. Hiring maintenance services can be a part of the terms and conditions required by manufacturers. Maintaining the warranty will help clients avoid costly repairs and replacements.

Improving Air Quality Inside the Property

When you hire maintenance services from Superior Air Management, you will also observe that indoor air quality has improved. Over time, your HVAC can accumulate contaminants, dust, mold, pollen, and allergens. These particles can get stuck in the air filters, causing some health issues. However, regular cleaning of air filters, coils, and ducts will ensure that indoor air quality inside your property improves.

What Things Are Included in HVAC Service?

Property owners should understand that DIY HVAC cleaning and maintenance might be beneficial. However, considering professional maintenance services will provide the benefits mentioned above. Here are the vital things included in the hired services.

Thermostat Checking and Maintenance

The first thing the technicians will check is the thermostat. It’s what controls the HVAC’s temperature and reminds the system to turn off or on. A malfunction of this part will affect the proper working of your unit. So, maintenance is important.

Coil and Air Filter Cleaning and Replacement

Sometimes, upon inspection, the technicians might notice that the air filter and coils are dirty. The coils and filters maintain the proper air quality and allow airflow inside the property. Hiring HVAC services will ensure the filters and coils are clean and debris-free so the system works efficiently.

Maintenance of Drain Line

The drain lines are a crucial part of your HVAC unit because they remove the access moisture from the property. This keeps the indoor environment comfortable. If these pipes or lines are damaged, moisture will build up around the house. So, have these lines checked regularly to keep them damage-free.

Ductwork and Ventilation Cleaning

People often ignore cleaning the ventilation system and ductwork, but they can hire professionals like Superior Air Management for comprehensive cleaning. The technicians will examine the system and look for signs of contamination and damage. They will clean the ductwork and ventilation system and fix minor damages.


Several factors contribute to how often HVAC needs to be serviced, like the system’s age, type, usage, changing seasons, the number of inhabitants on the property, and pets. However, HVAC experts suggest hiring the service at least twice a year as it provides the benefits mentioned in this article.

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